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The “Big Inside World” Handbook

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Today we start our “Big Inside World” Handbook.

To be perfectly honest, let's hope we can close it soon, but for now, let’s open it.

As we all pass through these weeks of lockdown trying to stay positively occupied, we’ve been leafing through some of the books from our favourite explorers and adventurers. After all, these characters were our inspiration and driving force when setting up Forest Days five years ago, and after whom all of our camps are inspired.

Inside these books and stories are the most amazing tales of resilience, resourcefulness and inspiration which can, without a doubt, be used to help us overcome these odd times we’re all facing, in the best possible way.

So the idea of this Handbook was born from our desire to help us rediscover what we all have around us, with the help of everybody’s most powerful Tool: Our Imagination.

The very thing that makes us human.

We're determined to share here all these ideas, fun things, silly tips and a barrage of hopefully helpful thoughts to help us all have some fun discovering the ‘great indoors’ all around us, until the Great Outdoors is open again.

This handbook is lovingly dedicated to all of us, but especially to those who are currently going through these times in small spaces or with young children.

So for the time being, instead of shots of beautiful tents and amazing landscapes, we’ll be sharing what we think can help bring a smile to your face.

Bear with us. We'll try to do our best.

But be sure, we will get through this together.

For the moment, let us begin...


Avui encetem aquest petit "manual": "Manual del Gran Món.. de l'Interior de Casa Teva".

Estrany, ho sabem. I si som sincers amb vosaltres, esperem poder tancar-lo, desar-lo i oblidar-nos d'ell ben aviat, però de moment, ens disposem a obrir-lo.

A mesura que han anat passant aquestes setmanes de confinament, intentant mantenint-nos ocupats positivament, hem estat fullejant alguns dels llibres dels nostres exploradors i aventurers predilectes.

Al cap i a la fi, aquests personatges han estat la nostra inspiració a l'hora de crear Forest Days de la manera que és, tan peculiar, i a manera de picada d’ullet, vam batejar inclús els nostres espais amb alguns dels seus noms.

Dins d'aquests llibres hi trobem històries increïbles de veritable resiliència, d’un enginy superb i d'una habilitat admirable per sortir-ne en situacions complicades, i estem convençuts que poden ser una font fabulosa d'inspiració a l'hora de fer créixer la nostra capacitat de reeixir-nos.

Darrere aquest petit "manual", hi trobareu el nostre ferm desig de redescobrir tot el que tenim al nostre abast, dins l'espai que ara ens toca viure, i fer-ho amb l'eina més poderosa que tots tenim: La nostra Imaginació.

Aquesta meravellosa capacitat d'imaginar, que és al cap i a la fi, intrínsecament humana.

Volem compartir amb vosaltres tots aquests consells excèntrics i divertits, pensaments, anècdotes i tot aquest garbuix d'idees, perquè creiem de tot cor que ens poden ajudar a treure partit dels "Grans Espais de Casa”, per petits que siguin, fins que ens sigui possible retrobar-nos de nou amb els nostres estimats Grans Espais Oberts.

Aquest manual està dedicat amb tot el nostre afecte, a tots vosaltres, però especialment per aquells que esteu vivint aquesta situació en espais petits o amb quitxalla a casa.

Per ara doncs, en comptes d'imatges de boniques tendes de campanya o de paisatges espectaculars, compartirem allò que pensem us pot fer servei i arrencar-vos un somriure.

Aquests dies, aquest serà el nostre repte.

Tingueu paciència amb nosaltres.

Pero d'una cosa en podeu estar ben segurs: No esteu sols.

Això i tot el que vingui, ho passarem plegats.

De moment, tot i picant-vos l’ullet, comencem...


Hoy estrenamos este pequeño "manual": "Manual del Gran Mundo .. del Interior de tu Casa".

Extraño, lo sabemos. Y para seros sinceros, esperamos poder cerrarlo, guardarlo y olvidarlo pronto. Pero de momento, vamos a abrirlo.

A medida que han ido pasando estas semanas de confinamiento, intentando mantenernos ocupados positivamente, hemos estado hojeando algunos de los libros de nuestros exploradores y aventureros predilectos.

Al fin y al cabo, estos personajes han sido nuestra inspiración a la hora de crear Forest Days, de la manera peculiar que es, y a modo de guiño, incluso bautizamos nuestros espacios con algunos de sus nombres.

Dentro de estos libros encontramos historias increíbles de verdadera Resiliencia, de un Ingenio soberbio y de una Habilidad admirable para salir ileso en situaciones complicadas, y estamos convencidos de que pueden ser una fuente fabulosa de inspiración a la hora de hacer crecer nuestra capacidad para salir con éxito de todo lo que nos propongamos estos días.

Detrás de este manual, está nuestro firme deseo de redescubrir todo lo que tenemos a nuestro alcance, dentro del espacio que ahora nos toca vivir, y hacerlo con la herramienta más poderosa que todos tenemos: Nuestra Imaginación.

Esa maravillosa capacidad de imaginar, que es al fin y al cabo, intrínsecamente humana.

Queremos compartir con vosotros todos estos consejos excéntricos y divertidos, pensamientos, anécdotas y todo este batiburrillo de ideas, porque creemos de todo corazón que pueden ayudarnos a sacar partido de los "Grandes Espacios de nuestra Casa”, por pequeños que sean, hasta que nos sea posible reencontrarnos de nuevo con nuestro queridos Grandes Espacios Abiertos.

Este manual está dedicado con todo nuestro afecto, a todos vosotros, pero especialmente a todos aquellos que estáis viviendo esta situación en espacios reducidos o con peques en casa.

Por ahora, en lugar de imágenes de bonitas tiendas de campaña o de paisajes espectaculares, compartiremos cosas que creemos pueden seros útiles i arrancaros una sonrisa.

Ese será nuestro reto.

Tened paciencia con nosotros. Intentaremos hacerlo lo mejor que sepamos.

Y de algo podéis estar seguros: No estáis solos.

No importa lo que venga, lo pasaremos juntos.

De momento, y con un guiño travieso, vamos a empezar...



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let's get


Short and quick


What is a Forest Days’ Camp? At Forest Days, a Camp is a beautiful spot tucked away in the forest, featuring a splendid cotton bell tent tastefully furnished with superbly comfy super-king beds, and an ample private outdoor area around it. Within this secluded spot, each camp has everything you may need for a comfortable stay, including its own privately used dry toilet hut, hammocks, deckchairs, and a wooden outdoor table for those fun al fresco meals surrounded by nature. A Forest Days Camp is more than just a place to stay—it's a retreat.

Are all the Camps very close together? Absolutely not. Our 5 Camps are well-separated and nestled within the forest, surrounded by shadowy trees for coolness and tons of space for privacy. This set up allows us to offer you and your loved ones a truly immersive experience in nature, reminiscent of traditional, free-spirited camping. Our goal is to provide you with an experience that goes beyond mere accommodation. We want you to reconnect with the natural world, discover the joy of simple living, and create unforgettable memories with the people you care about.

Are the tents off-grid? Do you have electricity? Yes and no. To stay true to Forest Days’ minimalist, simple living philosophy, our tents in the forest are entirely off-grid. They are designed to be delightfully snug, cosy and homely without being wired up, allowing you to disconnect from the overstimulation of everyday life and fully immerse yourself in the serene, tranquil forest environment. Nighttime illumination in the tent and camp areas is provided by clever solar charging lights, enhancing the magic of your stay. At Forest Days, electricity is exclusively reserved for our charming and useful central services area, just a short walk from each camp. Here, you'll find our convenient honesty bar and larder hut equipped with practical refrigerators, a quirky and well stocked library corner, a beautiful and fun central kitchen area boasting stunning mountain views with a couple of mess tents to eat and socialise if you wish, and our wonderful Shed featuring modern amenities such as rain showers, flush toilets, hair dryers, and convenient charging points. For more information about these amenities, please visit “The Camp” section in the top menu. This thoughtful setup ensures you have access to all of today’s comforts while still savouring the unique off-grid experience in the heart of nature — a rare find indeed.

Why do you only have 4 Camps? By limiting the number of tents we put up, and avoiding overselling and overcrowding our beautiful five hectares of lovely forest and meadows, we can provide a much better experience for our guests. Is our way to tell you that your well-being, happiness and the success of your holidays, is our top priority. Why? Because we are a team of real passionate campers and expert outdoor enthusiasts, who deeply understand what makes an authentic outdoor experience special, when embraced in the old-fashioned camping spirit. We genuinely love what we do here, and we want to share with you the incredible feeling of exhilaration, self-satisfaction, and the profound sense of achievement that comes from spending quality time in nature, in an old-fashioned and meaningful way. It’s a transformative experience for young and old, like no other.

Why do they all have different characters' names? The tents are named after real explorers or fictional characters who inspire us with their fun tales of adventure and resilience. These men and women are our heroes—Jeanne Baret, Ernest Shackleton, Nellie Bly, Huckleberry Finn, and Robinson Crusoe— and they embody the spirit of self-reliance and personal achievement. By staying in a tent named after one of these iconic figures, you're not just camping; you're immersing yourself in a narrative of exploration and triumph. We hope this connection enriches your experience, inspiring you and your loved ones to create your own fun stories of Adventure in the heart of nature.

Navès, 25286

Solsonès - Lleida



Glamping Naves Solsona Catalunya Catalonia

RTC: KCC-000202

Glamping : Navès : Pyrenees : Catalonia

Forest Days © 2025

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